UniRank ha publicado su primer Facebook University Ranking y la Universidad San Francisco de Quito está en el top 200 de las universidades más populares en Facebook en el mundo. Un total de 7,311 páginas de universidades con presencia en Facebook y otras redes sociales fueron calificadas. Este ranking mundial está basado en el número de fans (extraído Abril 2017).
La Universidad San Francisco de Quito es número 17 en el mundo junto con universidades como Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Yale University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, comparte el TOP 20 de las entidades académicas más populares del mundo.
¡La mejor universidad en el Ecuador ahora es la más popular de la región en las redes sociales!
Artículo Completo: http://www.4icu.org/top-universities-facebook/
Más información: María Dolores Brito-Rhor, Profesora y Directora de Marketing Digital de la USFQ, mbrito@usfq.edu.ec
UniRank™ (formerly 4 International Colleges & Universities or 4icu.org) is an international higher education directory reviewing accredited Universities and Colleges in the world. uniRank™ includes 12,358 Colleges and Universities, ranked by web popularity, in 200 countries.
Institutions included:
uniRank™ currently includes worldwide higher education institutions which satisfy the following requirements:
1. Officially recognized, licensed and/or accredited by national or regional bodies such as Ministries of Higher Education or recognized accrediting organizations depending on the country legislation.
2. Officialy entitled to grant at least four-year undergraduate degrees, such as Bachelor degrees, and/or postgraduate degrees.
3. Provide higher education courses mainly in a traditional, face-to-face learning format through on-site facilities.
4. All University and College profiles are included and updated free of charge.
UniRank™ currently does not include:
1. Two-year degree granting institutions such as Community Colleges, Vocational Colleges, Training Colleges etc.
2. distance learning institutions.
3. Any other higher education organization that does not satisfy the above inclusion criteria and requirements.
4. For quality reasons, uniRank™ does not include affiliate links or resources within the directory.
Geographical classification:
uniRank™ adopts the United Nations geographical classification as shown in the webpage "Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions" published by the United Nations Statistics Division. For this reason countries like Turkey and Cyprus are included in the Asian geographical area even if, politically speaking, they might better fit under the European one.
University Ranking Methodology:
Universities and Colleges are ranked by our exclusive uniRank University Ranking™. The web-based non-academic University ranking has been published since May 2005. Since then the ranking methodology has been periodically fine-tuned in order to provide better results.
Ranking components:
The current uniRank University Ranking™ is based upon an algorithm including 5 unbiased and independent web metrics extracted from 4 different web intelligence sources:
Moz Domain Authority
Alexa Global Rank
SimilarWeb Global Rank
Majestic Referring Domains
Majestic Trust Flow
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